Westside Church Spokane Podcast
Welcome to Westside Church's message recordings from our Church Services and Events! We are a Non-denominational church out of Spokane, WA. We teach straight from the Bible and pursue relationship with Jesus just like he pursues us everyday! If you like the teaching please share with friends and family to promote the spread of the Gospel.
Westside Church Spokane Podcast
The Practice of Prayer Pt.9 - Praying Like Jesus
Jesus is not only our Savior and Lord but also our teacher. Scripture says over and over again about how He went from town to town teaching. One of the many things He taught was how we pray. John 17 is a beautiful demonstration of all Jesus taught about prayer in action. It’s an account of one of the longest recorded prayers from Jesus in Scripture. Pastor Cory walks through parts of Jesus’ prayer and how we should pray in like manner.