Westside Church Spokane Podcast
Welcome to Westside Church's message recordings from our Church Services and Events! We are a Non-denominational church out of Spokane, WA. We teach straight from the Bible and pursue relationship with Jesus just like he pursues us everyday! If you like the teaching please share with friends and family to promote the spread of the Gospel.
295 episodes
Jesus Christ Pt.3 How to NOT neglect your salvation
Hebrews 2:3 says that it’s possible to neglect our great salvation. But what does that look like? How do we neglect our salvation and what does it look like to flourish in our salvation?

Jesus Christ Pt.2 Angelic Assistance
In the first message of this series, we talked about how we are heirs with Jesus in salvation. In this message, we talk about angels and how Hebrews call them ministers for those who are heirs of salvation. What does that look like? And are the...

Jesus Christ Pt.1 Jesus in the book of Hebrews
In the book of Hebrews, Paul reveals some powerful truths about Jesus.

Born To Build 2025 Pt.6 Healthy Family Development | Cory Tobin
Often when we talk about godliness, we can let our mind run to abstract concepts. But, there are just as many practical things about godliness too. This goes for building families God’s way too. In this message, Pastor Cory lays out some very p...

Born To Build 2025 Pt.5 Godly PrinciplesFor Parenting
Parents today face many complexities in raising their kids to follow God. From Public School’s influence to ungodly family members, how do we navigate parenting in such an ungodly culture? Pastor Cory gives some very practical principles from s...

Born To Build 2025 Pt.4 How To Parent God's Way
Parenting is one of life’s biggest challenges and responsibilities. How we parent forms the trajectory of our legacy and our society. God’s word gives us much insight into how to parent effectively. With that, there are different seasons in you...

Born To Build 2025 Pt.3 God’s Version Of Feminism
Paul says in Romans 12 “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” There are ways that culture pontificates that run contrary to God’s way. That’s why we go to His Word to see what His way is. In th...

Born To Build 2025 Pt.2 Godly Masculinity
In the wake of our modern feminism movement, our culture has lost sight of what masculinity looks like. And, if we’re going to build families God’s way, we have to start with a godly perspective of what the head of the house looks like.

Born To Build 2025 - Pt.1 Building Family God's Way
Godly families are the bedrock of a godly society, a godly culture, and a godly nation. It’s the family that is under attack like none other in our time. The change our nation needs, won’t come through government. It won’t come through policies...

Thanks // Giving Pt 6 The Blessing of the Tithe | Cory Tobin
Some argue that the Tithe is strictly an old covenant principle. That because we are no longer “under the law” they assume the Tithe doesn’t apply to us. However, the principle of the Tithe far predates the law. What we are redeemed from is the...

Thanks // Giving Pt 5 The Joy of Generosity
God’s economy works differently from man’s economy. There are principles of generosity that produce an increase in our lives. A life that is unifying, freeing, loving, strategic, intentional, and missional. It’s a life fully supplied by God– sp...

Thanks // Giving Pt 4 So, let's talk about money
So, let’s talk about money. Yes, money can be a sore subject in church, but Scripture says a lot about the subject. We have to ask ourselves, “If we really believe God has our best interests in mind and He has some stuff about money, should we ...

Thanks // Giving Pt 3 How to grow in your spiritual gifts | Cory Tobin
God wants you to grow in the gifts He placed in you. But growth isn’t automatic and only happens in the confines of the One who gave us those gifts. One of the biggest ways we develop is simply by showing up and sacrificing time to put God’s ki...

Thanks // Giving Pt 2 God's Invitation & Our Response
God is calling us to Himself. He’s calling us to embrace a relationship with Him and spend time in His word. But, throughout the centuries, people have made excuses and wrongly prioritized things in their lives of God.

Thanks // Giving Pt.1 Have a Grateful Heart
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:57) Faith thanks God for His promises based on His word, not based on what we see. And it’s a grateful heart that opens the door for God to do more ...

What are you voting for? Pt. 5 What's Scripture say about borders?
One of the biggest topics in this election is our border security. Does the Bible have anything to say about border security? Should we have an opinion as followers of Jesus? In this message, Pastor Cory walks through what the Scripture has to ...

What are you voting for? Pt. 5 What's at stake in this election?
We’ve been talking in this series about WHAT are you voting for. Not WHO. Elections aren’t personality contests. We aren’t electing a pastor, a counselor, or a life coach. We’re electing a person competent to instill godly policy in our communi...

What are you voting for? Pt. 4 What does Jesus think about socialism?
Did you know Jesus specifically addressed the modern debate of socialism vs capitalism? He made some obvious statements about both systems and the pros and cons of each. Why is this important? Because we live in a country where we get to vote f...

What are you voting for? Pt. 3 What does Scripture say about sexuality?
In our post-modern secularized society, there are a lot of skewed views on sexuality. Whether it’s LGBTQ+ rights, gender identity, or the growing acceptance of porn usage, Scripture lays out the clear way that leads to life. God was very intent...

What are you voting for? Pt. 2 What does God think about abortion?
What does Scripture say about when life begins? Is there clear biblical evidence for which side we should take on the debate of abortion? No matter what your background, upbringing, or opinion is on the matter, take 40 minutes to consider these...

What are you voting for? Pt.1
There’s a lot of rhetoric in our country about WHO to vote for. It’s essentially become a personality contest about who is the one to save our democracy. In reality, the only one that can save our country is Jesus. But with that, we do have a p...

What's God like? Pt. 5 Noah's world & Our world
Jesus said when He returns it would be as the days of Noah. So… what exactly does that mean? What did it look like in Noah’s day and what are the signs that we should be looking for in the time we live in?

What's God like? Pt.4 How does God deal with sin? | Pastor Cory Tobin
How does God deal with sin in the New Covenant? Is God really a short-fused angry old guy in the sky that people sometimes paint HIm to be? How does God balance justice and mercy?

What's God like? Pt.3 How forgiven are you? | Pastor Cory Tobin
How forgiven are you? When you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, does Jesus merely wipe your past clean? What happens when we sin after we’re saved? Do we have to get saved again? What if I die before I have a chance to repent? Does sinning...

What's God like? Pt.2 Are we under the rules of the Old Testament? | Cory Tobin
If you’ve been in church any amount of time, you may have read some stuff that seemed a little extreme in the Old Testament. Not just the Ten Commandments, but rules from shaving your beard to not eating shellfish. What things actually apply to...